Request to Become a Security Vendor

Note that only pre-qualified security integrators can provide security system appliances, perform final terminations, and perform system programming. Others can provide security design, wiring/infrastructure, etc.

Base requirements before being considered as a pre-qualified Security Integrator for The Pennsylvania State University:

Your company is required to be an authorized “Enterprise” level integrator with both SoftwareHouse and American Dynamics for at least the last 5 years in order to be entertained as a security vendor. This is a level beyond an “Authorized” Integrator. We will look at your technician training and certifications as related to Victor, VideoEdge, Ccure9000 (including MAS/SAS architecture). We also look at your technician coverage throughout Pennsylvania, and your in-house engineering and Project Management capabilities. 

We maintain a concise list of security integrators at PSU for obvious operational security and administrative reasons and may limit adding additional integrators on this basis only.

If you feel that your Company could qualify based on the aforementioned, please provide the information below to initiate a more thorough vetting process. Link to Submit Information 

1. Name of security vendor/Integrator company:

2. Company address:

3. Name of Point of Contact for your company:

Point of contact phone number:

Point of contact email address:

4. Level of Integrator status with SoftwareHouse and American Dynamics and how long your company has held this status:

5. Technicians Software House Ccure and Victor VideoEdge certifications:

6. Please indicate the regions in Pennsylvania that you can service. With your response, be sure you can service all campuses within the region. (Eastern PA, Western PA, University Park PA, All of Pennsylvania)

7. Please provide the company name, representative name, phone number, and email of two past work/installation references that we can speak with:


8. What type of work does your company specialize in?