University Police Commendation, Suggestion or Complaint Form

The Pennsylvania State University Police & Public Safety Department is committed to providing the highest quality of service to the University community. In order to be responsive to community needs, it is important to gather citizen input. Your constructive comments about our service, positive or negative, will help us improve and achieve our goals.

When completing this form, please provide as much information as you can for the investigator to work with.

  • You will be contacted by a member of this department and asked questions to assist him/her with the information you have provided with your complaint. Please indicate in your narrative if you do not want to be contacted.
  • The investigation process takes approximately 30 days and if necessary will be extended to assist with the investigation.
  • You will be notified in writing from the Chief of Police about the disposition of your complaint. 

For your convenience, you have the option of completing the following electronic version of the form or printing a PDF version of this form. 

Type of Feedback
Reported By:
Please understand that if you desire to file an anonymous complaint, our ability to investigate the complaint might be limited to your anonymity. If you do wish to remain anonymous, please type the word “anonymous” in the Name, Email, Phone Number and Address fields.
Witness Information
If available, please provide contact information (name, address and/or phone number) for any witnesses.
Witness Address(es)
Please provide a detailed description of event(s).

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