Clery Act Crime Classification
Should I complete a CSA Incident Report?
If Clery Reportable Location and Clery Act Crime, this is Clery Reportable and complete CSA Incident Reporting form if University Police were not involved.
If no Clery Reportable Location and Clery Act Crime, this is not Clery Reportable and do not complete CSA Incident Reporting Form
If Clery Reportable Location and no Clery Act Crime, this is not Clery Reportable and do not complete CSA Incident Reporting Form
Crime Location |
Crime Type |
Reporting Requirements |
Crime Location |
Crime Type |
Reporting Requirements |
Crime Location Not a Clery-Reportable Location |
Crime Type |
Reporting Requirements Do Not Complete a CSA Incident Reporting Form |
Crime Location |
Crime Type Not a Clery Act Crime |
Reporting Requirements Do Not Complete a CSA Incident Reporting Form |
Clery Reportable Locations:
On Campus inside a Residence Hall or adjacent Commons Area
On Campus NOT inside a Residence Hall or adjacent Commons Area
Non-Campus (Off Campus University owned or controlled to include fraternities/sororities, study abroad, and short stay-away trips)
Public Property (Within or immediately adjacent to campus)
Clery Act Crimes:
Homicide (include negligent and non-negligent manslaughter)
Aggravated Assault
Sexual Assault
Statutory Rape
Motor Vehicle Theft
Hate (above listed crimes and Theft, Simple Assault, Intimidation, Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property)
VAWA (Violence Against Women Act)
Domestic Violence
Dating Violence
Arrest or Referral for Disciplinary Action (Student Conduct) for violations of law concerning:
Alcohol (excluding Public Drunkenness and DUI)
For Emergencies, Call 911